Sharma, S., Vijayachari, P, Sugunan, A.P, Sehgal, S.C. Leptospiral carrier state and seroprevalence among animal population – a cross sectional sample survey in Andaman & Nicobar islands. Epidemiol Infection. 131(2), pp985-89 (2003)
Vijayachari, P., Sehgal, S.C., Marga G.A Goris, Terpstra, W.J, Hartskeerl, R.A. Leptospira interrogans serovars valbuzzi: a cause of severe pulmonary haemorrhages in the Andaman islands. J Med Microbiol. 52: pp913-918 (2003)
Roy, S., Biswas, D., Vijayachari, P., Sugunan, A.P and Sehgal, S.C. Antigenic and genetic relatedness of Leptospira strains isolated from Andaman islands in 1929 and 2001. J Med Microbiol, 52, pp909-11 (2003)
Sehgal, S.C., Vijayachari, P., Sugunan, A.P., Umapathi, T. Field application of Lepto lateral-flow for rapid diagnosis of leptospirosis. J Med Microbiol, 52, pp897-901 (2003)
Arankalle, V.A, Murhekar, K.M., Gandhe, S.S., Murhekar, M.V., Ramdas, A.Y, Padbidri, V.S, Sehgal S.C. Hepatitis B virus: premominance of genotype D in primitive tribes of the Andaman and Nicobar islands, India (1989-1999). J Gen Virol 84(7), pp1915-20 (2003)
Manoj V. Murhekar, Kanchan M. Murhekar, Sehgal, S.C. Alarming prevalence of hepatitis-B infection among the Jarawas – a primitive Negrito tribe of Andaman & Nicobar islands, India”. J Viral Hepatitis, 10, pp232-33 (2003)
Asit. R. Ghosh, Sugunan, A.P, Sehgal, S.C, Bharadwaj, A.P. Emergence of nalidixic acid resistant Shigella sonnei in Acute-Diarrhoea patients on Andaman and Nicobar islands, India. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 47(4), pp1483 (2003)
Kumarasamy Thangaraj, Lalji Singh, Alla G. Reddy, V. Raghavendra Rao, Subhash C. Sehgal, Peter A. Underhill, Melanie Pierson, Ian G. Frame, Erika Hagelberg. Genetic affinities of the Andaman islanders, a vanishing human population. Current Biology 13(2), p86-93 (2003)
Sehgal, S.C., Sugunan, A.P, Vijayachari, P. Leptospirosis disease burden estimation and surveillance networking in India. Proc. Jt. International Trop Medicine meeting. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Pub Health. 34, (suppl 2), pp170-77 (2002)
Sehgal, S.C., Biswas, D, Sugunan, A.P, Vijayachari, P. Molecular tools in leptospirosis diagnosis and characterization of isolates. Proc. Jt. International Trop Medicine meeting. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Pub Health. 34, (suppl 2), pp163-69 (2002)
Vijayachari, P, Sugunan, A.P and Sehgal, S.C. Evaluation of Lepto dri-dot as a rapid test for the diagnosis of leptospirosis. Epidemiol Infect 129(3), pp617-21 (2002)
Sehgal, S.C., Sugunan, A.P and Vijayachari, P. Outbreak of leptospirosis after the cyclone in Orissa. National Med J India. 15: pp22-23 (2002)
Leptospirosis in India - Report of the investigation of a post-cyclone outbreak in Orissa, November 1999. Weekly Epidemiological Record. 27(75) pp217-223 (2002)
Murhekar, M.V., Murhekar, K.M., Arankalle, V.A and Sehgal. S.C. Immune response to an indigenously developed hepatitis B (Shanvac-B) vaccine in a tribal community of India. Vaccine. 20 (29), pp3431-35 (2002)
Murhekar, M.V., Murhekar, K.M., Arankalle, V.A, Sehgal, S.C. Epidemiology of hepatitis-B infection among Nicobarese – a mongoloid tribe of A&N islands, India. Epidemiol Infection 128, pp465-71 (2002)
Murhekar, M.V, Sehgal, S.C Murhekar, K.M., Padbhidri, S.P., Chitambar, D., Arankalle, V.A. Changing scenario of Hepatitis A virus and Hepatitis E virus exposure among the primitive tribes of A&N islands, India over the 10-year period 1989-99. J Viral Hepatitis 9, pp315-321 (2002)
Shriram, A.N., Murhekar, M., Ramaiah, K.D and Sehgal, S.C. Prevalence of diurnally sub-periodic bancroftian filariasis among the Nicobarese in Andaman and Nicobar islands, India: effect of age and gender. Trop Med International Health 7(11), p1949-54 (2002)
Vijayachari. P, Sugunan, A.P, Sehgal, S.C. Evaluation of Microscopic Agglutination Test (MAT) as a diagnostic tool during acute stage of leptospirosis in low and high endemic areas. Indian J. Med. Res. 114: pp99-106 (2001)
Vijayachari, P., Sugunan, A.P, Umapati, T and Sehgal, S.C. Evaluation of Darkground microscopy as a rapid diagnostic procedure in leptospirosis. Indian J Med Res. 114: pp54-58 (2001)
Ghosh, A.R, Sehgal, S.C. Survivability of Shigella dysenteriae type-1 & Shigella flexneri 2a in laboratory conditions simulating natural environment. Indian J. Med. Res. 114, pp199-206 (2001)
Murhekar, K.M, Murhekar, M.V., Mukherjee M.B, Gorakshakar A.C., Surve, R., Wadia, M., Phanasgaonkar, S., Shridevi, S., Colah, R.B., Mohanty, D. Red cell genetic abnormalities, beta-globulin gene haplotypes and APOB polymorphism in the Great Andamanese, a primitive Negrito tribe of Andaman and Nicobar islands, India. Hum Biol 73(5), p739-44 (2001)