Arun Sivan, Shriram AN, Muruganandam N, Thamizhmani R. Expression of heat shock proteins (HSPs) in Aedesaegypti (L) and Aedesalbopictus (Skuse) (Diptera: Culicidae) larvae in response to thermal stress. Acta Tropica 167. 121–127 (Dec 2016)
Vinod Kumar K, Lall C, Vimal Raj R, Vedhagiri K, Kartick C, Surya P, Natarajaseenivasan K, Vijayachari P. Overexpression of heat shock GroEL stress protein in leptospiral biofilm. Microbial Pathogenesis 102: 8-11. (Nov 2016)
M. PunnamChander and P. Vijayachari. In-vitro antibacterial and antioxidant potentials of selected seaweeds of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India. Bangladesh J Pharmacol; 11(4): 874-875 (Oct 2016)
Parvez R, Vijayachari P. Assessment of trends in morbidity and mortality of the rural population of Rangat, Middle Andaman – a hospital based study. IOSR J Nursing Health Sc. 5(5)-V, pp 37-40 (Oct 2016)
Singh SS, Biswas A K, Shirley P, Vijayachari P. Chelonitoxism in Andaman and Nicobar Island: A report on mass poisoning including death of an adult. Toxicon, 118 pp 61-63 doi. 10.1016/j.toxicon.2016.04.031 (August 2016)
Muthumani K, Block P, Flingai S, Muruganantham N, Chaaithanya IK, Tingey C, Wise M, Reuschel EL, Chung C, Muthumani A, Sarangan G, Srikanth P, Khan AS, Vijayachari P et al. Rapid and Long-term immunity elicited by DNA-encoded antibody prophylaxis and DNA Vaccination against Chikungunya virus. J Infect Dis. 1:214(3):pp369-78 doi. 10.1093/infdis/jiw.111 (August 2016)
Surya P, Muruganandam N, Biswas, AK, Anwesh M, Vijayachari P. B1c genetic subtype of coxsachievuris A16 associated with hand foot and mouth disease in Andaman Islands, India. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 110:pp421-423 (July 2016)
Chander MP, Pillai CR, Sunish IP, Vijayachari P. Antimicrobial and antimalarial properties of medicinal plants used by the indigenous tribes of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India. .MicrobPathog. 96:pp85-8. doi: 10.1016/j.micpath.2016.04.017 (Jul 2016)
Thamizhmani R, Sugunan, AP, Ramya RP, Vijayachari, P. "Intestinal parasitic infestation among paediatric diarrhoea patients attending hospitals in Port Blair, Andaman and Nicobar Islands". Journal of Parasitic Diseases (DOI 10.1007/s12639-016-0814-1 (Jul 2016)
Lall c, Kumar Raj RV, RV, Vedhagiri k, Vijayachari P. Prevalence and diversity of leptospires in different ecological Niches of urban and rural areas of South Andaman Island. Microbes Environ, 2016. Doi:10.1264/jsme2.ME15149
Sunish, IP, Shriram, A N, Arun Sivan, Prem Kumar A, Khan ZA, Vidhya PT, De A, Vijayachari P. Elimination of diurnally sub-periodic Lymphatic filariasis in remote islands of Bay of Bengal, inhabited by Nicobarese: do we have the strategy to complete the job? Public Health. 134, pp95-97. doi: 10.1016/j.puhe.2015.10.025.(May 2016)
M. PunnamChander, K. Vinod Kumar, ChandanLall, Vimal Raj R and P. Vijayachari. GC/MS profiling, in vitro anti-leptospiral and haemolytic activities of Boesenbergiarotunda (L.) Mansf. used as a medicinal plant by Nicobarese of Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Natural Prod Res. 30(10):1190-1192 (May 2016)
Kumar, KV, Lall C, Raj RV, Vedhagiri K, Vijayachari P. Molecular detection of pathogenic leptospiral protein encoding gene (LipL32) in environmental aquatic biofilms. LettApplMicrobiol. 62(4):pp311-315 doi: 10.1111/lam.12533 (Apr 2016)
Parvez R, Sugunan AP, Saha MK. Prevalence of infertility and its socio-economic determinants among the rural women of Andaman Islands, India. IOSR J Dent Med Sc. 15(4) VIpp39-41(Apr 2016)
Parvez R, Sugunan AP, Saha MK, Muruganandam N, Thamizhmani R. Gynecological morbidity among the rural women of Andaman Islands – community based study. Int J CurrMicrobiol App Sci 5(4):pp28-31(Apr 2016)
Anwesh M, Vinod K, Muruganandam N, Punnam Chander M, Kartick C, Vijayachari P. Elucidating the Richness of Bacterial Groups in the Gut of Nicobarese Tribal Community – Perspective on their Lifestyle Transition. Anaerobe. doi:10.1016/j.anaerobe.2016.03.002 (Mar 2016)
Rajesh Reesu, Muruganandam Nagarajan, Krishna Chaaithanya Itta, Anwesh Maile, Sugunan AP, Shriram A N, Biswas A K, Bharadwaj AP, Munni Singhania, Brij Gopal Lall, Vijayachari Paluru. (2016). Molecular Epidemiology of Group A Rotavirus in Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India - Predominance of G1 and Emergence of G12 Strains. Journal of Infection 2016 Feb 23. pii: S0163-4453(16) 00054-2. doi: 10.1016/j.jinf.2016.02.006.
Kumar, KV, Lall C, Raj RV, Raj VR, Vedhagiri K, Sunish, IP, Vijayachari P. In Vitro antimicrobial susceptibility of pathogenic Leptospira Biofilm. Microbial Drug Resistance.2016. doi: 10.1089/mdr.2015.0284
Sivan A, Shriram A N, Sugunan A P, Anwesh M, Muruganandam N, Kartik C, Vijayachari P. Natural transmission of dengue virus serotype 3 by Aedes albopictus (Skuse) during an outbreak in Havelock Island: Entomological characteristics. Acta Trop. 2016 Apr;156:122-9. doi: 10.1016/j.actatropica.2016.01.015. Epub 2016 Jan 15. PMID: 26780552 (Jan 2016)
Punnam Chander M, Pillai CR and P. Vijayachari. In vitro Antimalarial and Anti-oxidant potentials of selected medicinal plants used by the indigenous tribes of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India. Bangladesh Journal of Pharmacology (2016); 11(1):pp330-332
Chaaithanya IK, Muruganandam, N, Surya P, Anwesh M, Alagarasu K, Vijayachari P. Association of OligoadenylateSynthetase gene cluster and DC-sign (CD209) gene polymorphisms with clinical symptoms in Chikungunya virus infection. DNA Cell Biol. 35(1) pp44-50 doi. 10.1089/dna.2015.2819 (Jan 2016)